En cualquier democracia el objetivo de la oposición es controlar la actividad del partido en el Gobierno. Este blog pretende garantizar la mayor difusión posible de las actuaciones y políticas del Ayuntamiento de Bedar asi como promover el intercambio de opiniones entre todos los ciudadanos.

In any democracy, the purpose of the Opposition is to monitor the activity of the governing party. This blog attempts to provide information regarding the policies and plans of the Bedar town council, generating wider interest and subsequent debate amongst more Bedar residents.

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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

What plans are there to develop Bédar?

What plans are there to develop Bédar? Are more houses going to be built? Where? We may be in the midst of a very serious recession but the Town Council has a development plan (the PGOU). Do you know what these plans are? Do you know how you will be affected? Do you have a say in what is going on?

You may remember that in February we raised this issue on this blog - we titled it "Bédar Development Plans" (See side panel) and we indicated then that we were talking to some independent consultants about running a Workshop to explain the plans that the Council has for Bédar.

The consultants have now organised this workshop for us and it will take place in the Town Hall on Sunday 6th May at 11.00am in Spanish and English. The Consultants will be Gerard Vezquez, a Spanish Abagado who specialises in real-estate and planning issues; and Ronnie Howley who is a Town Planner and Geographer. Both Gerard and Ronnie are bi-lingual.

The purpose of this Planning Workshop will be to learn what the current PGOU is (Plan General de Ordenación Urbanistica) and what modifications are proposed. What the proposed changes will mean for the municipality will be discussed and individual homeowners will be able to raise their concerns regarding their particular situations.

So if you are concerned about the future of Bédar or are worried about what these plans may mean for you, then put this date in your diary - Sunday 6th May at 11.00am.

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