En cualquier democracia el objetivo de la oposición es controlar la actividad del partido en el Gobierno. Este blog pretende garantizar la mayor difusión posible de las actuaciones y políticas del Ayuntamiento de Bedar asi como promover el intercambio de opiniones entre todos los ciudadanos.

In any democracy, the purpose of the Opposition is to monitor the activity of the governing party. This blog attempts to provide information regarding the policies and plans of the Bedar town council, generating wider interest and subsequent debate amongst more Bedar residents.

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Friday 31 August 2012

Aftermath of the Fire - An Appreciation

We wanted to join the chorus of approval and gratitude to the emergency services for their highly organized and courageous response to the wild fires in and around Bedar last week. Most us looked on in horror at the devastation that was being caused to our community and watched with awe and wonder as the fire service, the helicopters and planes engaged in their struggle to overcome the forces of nature. We are fortunate to have these services so readily available to us in a time of such danger.

Neither do we want to ignore the efforts of the the Town Hall. We are hearing about the steps they are taking to assess the damage to individual properties and how they are giving advice on how to apply for financial assistence. We want to thank Ángel, our Mayor, who has involved himself in many ways during the fire and is now working with those affected to alleviate the situation. If you are affected and need help and haven´t contacted the Town Hall, then it is an option for you. Have a look at http://www.bedar.es/ and click on "Incendio"

As Bedar Independents, the opposition party in Bédar, we are often critical of the the Town Hall. But in this situation we want to give credit where credit is due. We will be attempting to monitor the situation as time passes.

If you have experiences to share, stories to tell or problems you face about the wild fires, then please make a comment on this blog. Just click on Comment  at the bottom of this page. It may say "No comments" or say "comment" with the number of comments so far.

1 comment:

Juan Antonio said...

Entiendo que están ayudando a los que están allí, no creo que se pueda esperar menos del ayuntamiento, pero como bedarense que estoy fuera, como muchos otros, ¿hay forma de empezar a gestionarlo sin estar en Bédar? ¿se sabe por qué es tan breve -y desconocido- el plazo para notificar los daños?

Creo que lo más justo es que esas ayudas y explicaciones que da el alcalde a los afectados para tramitar las ayudas financieras las publiquen en la web para que todos podamos beneficiarnos de esas explicaciones. Entiendo que ésta, y no otra, es la función del ayuntamiento y no se puede tomar como un favor que nos hacen.

Juan Antonio Soler