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In any democracy, the purpose of the Opposition is to monitor the activity of the governing party. This blog attempts to provide information regarding the policies and plans of the Bedar town council, generating wider interest and subsequent debate amongst more Bedar residents.

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Wednesday 25 January 2012

Pleno Meeting - Friday 27th January at 7.30pm

Yesterday (Tuesday 24th Jan) we were notified of an Ordinary Plenary meeting of the Town Council next Friday at 7.30pm in the Town Hall.(27th Jan). We want to tell you what is on the agenda and, as far as we can, try to explain it. The agenda is always very vague and leaves us guessing about what is being proposed until we get to the meeting. We are able to access Town Hall documents to attempt to shed light on the Agenda, but often this is a very difficult task in the very short time available to us. We would like you to come to the meeting to see what happens. We want to encourage a greater participation in the way that our municipality is governed. We would like you to see for yourselves.

So here is the Agenda:

1. Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.

2. Acknowledgement of sentence passed by No. 2 Court of Contentions in Almeria. Ordinary Proceedure 602/2007, and adoption of agreements for execution of same.
(This refers to a suit bought by John and Joyce Bowling and Alan and Kate Keeling of Casa Tortuga, El Pinar, against the developer and the Town Hall for incorrect construction of the Junta of Compensation and other matters related to their "land grab" case. The court gave judgement in their favour and against the Town Hall)

3. Acknowledgement of Sentence passed by Hall of Contentions of the Superior Justice Tribunal of Andalucia, seated in Granada, Ordinary Proceedures 610/2007, and adoption of agreements for execution of same.
(This refers to the suit bought by Casa Tortuga against the Town Hall for allowing proposed construction in El Pinar on protected land. The court found in favour of Casa Tortuga)

4. Modification No 2 of PGOU and adaptation of Normas of Bedar.
(At the moment we are unclear as to what this means.)

5. 2012 Employment Workshop for Bedar.
(We believe that this will be to train metal workers to make boilers and other similar equipment.)

6. Motion from Popular/Independent Group to change the location of the proposed mining museum.
(We have put this motion forward as we understand that this is planned for an isolated location in Serena which lacks any parking facilities, has bad access along the narrow winding Serena Road and is remote from other facilities.)

7.  Motion from Popular/Independent Group to change the location of the Bedar weekly market.
(We have put this motion forward at the request of local business people whose business has been adversely affected by the market in its current location.)

8. Motion from the PSOE on supporting"Encamina2" plan.
(We think this relates to Junta de Andalucia plan for the construction of roads and access to agricultural farms)

9. Motion from PSOE on supporting plan related to agricultural employment(currently PFOEA)

10. Motion of PSOE in defence of agriculture in Almeria.

11. Urgent motions

12. Request or questions.

We will be reporting back and commenting in this blog on the discussion and decisions that are taken on Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the positions for employment in Bedar in 2012. Can the committee confirm that it is only for people who actually reside in the village and not for people who have put their name on the Padron but actually live elsewhere? If this has happened then the individuals' names should be struck from the list of applicants. There is little enough work as it is in Bedar.